5 Reasons You Should Be Sending Out Press Releases

5 Reasons You Should Be Sending Out Press Releases post thumbnail image

benefits press release how press release helps business fort lauderdale fl ket-go digital media

You’re rolling out a new product or service.

You’re hosting an event to which you want to draw a large crowd.

You’ve just made a landmark achievement that you know will boost your brand.

You want the whole world to know about your company news. But how do you do it in a way that’s cost-effective?

When you want to attract attention and even media coverage, a press release writing and distribution service is the secret marketing ingredient that can open the floodgates of business.

Contrary to what uninformed “digital marketing experts” out there may say, the press release is not dead. In fact, in the world of SEO it’s just as vital a tool as ever.

Why bother with writing and sending a press release in this digital age?

Here are the immense benefits press release distribution offers your business.

#1. SEO Backlinking

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Backlinks are the single most important factor for search engine optimization. If you get links from authoritative websites pointing back to your site, you will rank above your competitors.

Imagine getting high quality backlinks from trusted news sites like the Miami Herald, The CW, and Fox? Google would read these links as being indicative of a quality site. You would benefit greatly from these kinds of links.

But how do you get these sites to link out to you?

A press release is an ingenious way to do it!

When you write your press release, all you have to do is embed your target keywords in your copy. Make sure to do it in a way that looks natural, you don’t want to come off as spammy.

If you sell car parts, include the phrase “auto parts” within your text and make it a hyperlink to the page of your website you want to rank.

Once your press release is live on these website, Google will read the links going back to your site and give you points. The end result is that your search rankings go up.

(Note: Ket-Go Digital Media proudly offers press release writing and distribution services as part of our ongoing SEO packages and one-time SEO Boost. We put your press release on 500 top news sites, including Fox and Miami Herald. For a quote,  Contact Us.)

#2. Media Exposure

why should press release what are benefits ket-go digital media

The press release was originally created as a way to attract press coverage. While a press release’s SEO benefits alone make it a worthwhile investment, the results can be astronomical if your story is picked up by a journalist.

Imagine a news outlet covering you. You’d instantly be exposed to thousands of readers who had never heard of your business before. Not only would you receive traffic to your website. Your branding would go through the roof.

The great thing about media exposure is that it builds on itself. Once you’ve been covered once, it’s more likely you’ll be covered again.

That’s because media coverage establishes your credibility as an authority. Soon, journalists begin to seek you to provide expert opinions for their stories.

For best effect, cultivate good relationships with journalists. They won’t doubt in coming back to you, and they’ll pass you along as a referral to their colleagues.

#3. You Get Your Content On Diverse Channels

There are many ways to make your content public. Blog, email lists, guest posting.

These are fantastic ways of acquiring traffic, backlinks, and exposure. But they all have the same catch: they take time to build.

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Blogging requires a huge time investment to build up a faithful audience. The same goes for your email list.

With guest posting, it can take a lot of networking before the owner of an influential site will let you contribute to with a guest post. Plus, you have to do your outreach one-on-one going from site to site.

With press releases, the news sites already have an audience. They get thousands or even millions of visitors a day. And you get published immediately.

Thus, in nearly an instant you’re connected to millions of real readers.

Press releases offer speed and results like no other method.

#4. You Reach a Target Market

With press releases, you have the freedom of targeting a broad audience or a specific niche. If you know the publications tailored to your industry, you can get your press releases published there.

This is helpful for two reasons.

  1. You increase traffic and exposure among your ideal client base.
  2. Backlinks from sites related to your industry typically pack more SEO power.

In short, press releases are a phenomenal way to achieve targeted marketing.

#5. Brand Management

how can press release help business fort lauderdale distribute

The beauty of press releases is they allow you to keep your company on the mind of the buying public. They emphasize the best parts and features of your product or service.

Moreover, using press releases gives you greater control over how your business is represented. If you don’t publish anything about your business, others will talk about you.

That means others control how you’re publicly perceived.

Your brand is too important to be left to chance. Take brand management into your own hands by carefully writing and distributing press releases.


With a press release, you grow your brand, build relationships, court your target audience, and strengthen your search engine rankings.

If you want your life made easier, Contact Us and learn more about our done-for-you press release writing and distribution services.

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